Membership Information
Detailed membership information for school districts in northern San Diego and southern Riverside County.
Potential Members: All San Diego County and South Riverside County School Districts, Community Colleges and Universities.
Participation Level I (Member):
- District or college signs Memorandum of Understanding
- District or college pays based on ADA (P-1 date of prior school year).
- Superintendent/President or designated representative serves as a member of the Steering Committee.
- Steering Committee identifies needs and provides input in planning professional development activities for the year.
- District or college participates in professional development opportunities at no charge or at a cost recovery fee structure
- Specialized activities/programs as identified by specific districts and/or colleges are addressed on a district/college/SCPDF cost share basis, SCPDF assumes costs, or SCPDF brokers services as best meets the needs of members.
- Optional: District may be a part of a Distinguished Teacher-in-Residence agreement contracted through CSUSM
Participation Level II (Non Member):
District or college participates and pays per activity/program on a space available basis after Level I participants are scheduled.
SCPDF Steering Committee:
The SCPDF Steering Committee is comprised of a representative from each partnering institution and the SCPDF director.
SCPDF Members